Amitabha Buddha Statue, amitabha buddhism, amitofo mantra, a mi tuo fo, Bronze Buddha Statue, Meditation Buddha Statue
amitabha buddhism, amitofo mantra, a mi tuo fo, Bronze Buddha Statue, Meditation Buddha Statue, Shakyamuni Buddha Statue, Handmade, Nepal, Statues, Arts & Crafts, Large Buddha Statue
Nepal Art Crafts for Sale: Amitabha Buddha Statue Handmade in Nepal
Amitabha Buddha Statue, Amitābha statue, Amitāyus statue for sale, amitabha buddha statue collection, Handmade, Nepal, Statues, Arts & Crafts, Nepal Art Shop

This stunning Amitabha Buddha Statue handmade in Nepal is a unique piece of art that's perfect for adding a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere to any space. The statue is made of durable and lightweight brass, and is intricately detailed with an antiqued finish. The statue stands 8" tall, and features Amitabha Buddha in a seated position with hands in dhyana mudra, with an ornate halo behind him. It's a unique and meaningful piece of art that will bring a sense of peace and serenity to any home or office. Perfect for meditation, yoga, and spiritual practices, this Amitabha Buddha Statue is sure to be a focal point in any room.
Amitabha Buddha is a celestial Buddha who is venerated by the followers of the Pure Land school of Buddhism, also known as the Amitabha Sutra or Sukhavati-vyuha Sutra. He is often known as the Buddha of Infinite Light and his name means "Infinite Light" in Sanskrit. He is the principal figure in the Pure Land sect, which is one of the largest and most influential branches of Mahayana Buddhism. The history of Amitabha Buddha can be traced back to the 2nd century BC when a Buddhist monk named Nagarjuna composed the Amitabha Sutra, which is the fundamental scripture of the Pure Land school. The sutra explains the concept of rebirth in Pure Land or Sukhavati, a paradise where Amitabha resides. In the sutra, Amitabha is described as a compassionate and merciful Buddha who listens to the petitions of suffering sentient beings and guides them to his Pure Land. The Pure Land sect of Buddhism grew steadily during the following centuries and by the 6th century AD, it had become one of the most popular forms of Buddhism in East Asia. During this period, Amitabha was widely venerated and his name was invoked. 
The main practice associated with Amitabha is the recitation of the mantra “A Mi Tuo Fo” (also known as Namo Amituofo). This practice is believed to help bring people closer to Amitabha and to the Pure Land. In addition, Amitabha is often represented in art by a red figure, typically seated in meditation. This red Buddha statue symbolizes his compassionate nature and the warmth of his devotion.

For Amitabha Buddha Statue-Shipping Cost-best negotiation and deal done please email us.
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Name : Nepal Arts & Crafts Suppies
Code : BUY2023001
Size : Email US
Weight : Email US if you want to BUY
Materials : Metals
Price : Qty base
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