Paper Crafts, Himalayan Paper Crafts, Himalayan paper, decorative paper, handmade paper, Lokta paper, crafts, crafting
gift wrapping paper,
Himalaya Paper, 120gsm lokta paper, thick lokta paper, Marigold Petals, Natural Handmade, blue lokta paper,
Nepalese Paper, writting letter, Lokta A4 Sheets, A4 Lokta Paper, Print Lokta Sheets, Nepal handmade lokta Paper
Nepal Art Crafts for Sale: Himalaya Paper Crafts
Himalayan paper, decorative paper, handmade paper, Lokta paper, Himalaya Paper, 120gsm lokta paper, thick lokta paper, Marigold Petals

Himalaya Paper Crafts is a Nepalese crafts cooperative that produces some of the world’s most unique and beautiful paper products. Located in the Himalayan region of Nepal, Himalaya Paper Crafts specializes in the production of artisanal Lokta paper. Lokta paper is a type of handmade paper made from the inner bark of the Daphne plant, which is found in the Himalayan region of Nepal. It is a sustainable and eco-friendly product, as the bark of the Daphne plant regenerates itself every four to seven years, allowing for multiple harvests of the bark without damaging the environment. Himalaya Paper Crafts produces a range of beautiful and unique paper products, such as cards, notebooks, journals, and stationery. All of the paper products made by Himalaya Paper Crafts are made using traditional methods, with each sheet of paper being handmade by the cooperative’s experienced artisans. The paper is made using natural dyes, making the products vibrant and colorful. The paper is also acid-free, making it ideal for use in inkjet and laser printers.
The paper products produced by Himalaya Paper Crafts are of exceptional quality and are highly sought after in the international market. The paper products are also extremely durable, often lasting for decades without fading or deteriorating. The paper products are also highly versatile and can be used for a variety of creative projects, such as scrapbooking, paper crafting, and calligraphy. Himalaya Paper Crafts is dedicated to producing sustainable and eco-friendly paper products that are of the highest quality. The cooperative works with local communities to ensure that their products are produced ethically and responsibly. The artisans are provided with fair wages and working conditions, and the paper products are made using sustainable materials and processes. Himalaya Paper Crafts is committed to helping preserve the traditional craft of papermaking in the Himalayan region, while producing quality products that are sought after in the international market.
Himalaya Paper Crafts is an online store that offers a wide variety of handmade, decorative Lokta paper from Nepal. Our Lokta paper is 120gsm thick, tree-free, and eco-friendly, making it the perfect choice for a wide range of crafting projects such as gift wrapping, bookbinding, scrapbooking, calligraphy, and decoupage. We also have a variety of colors to choose from, including natural, blue, pink, and purple, so you can find the perfect paper for your project. Additionally, we offer various sizes of Lokta paper, from A4 to A4 sheets, and even lokta paper journals for writing letters, notes, and more. Our Marigold Petals paper is perfect for adding texture and color to your project. We also provide plain wrapping paper, so you can create your own unique designs. No matter what you're looking for, we have the perfect paper for your crafting needs. Shop with us today and experience the beauty of handmade Lokta paper from Nepal.

For Himalaya Paper Crafts Wholesale Price-Shipping Cost-best negotiation and deal done please email us.
Email: | Whatsapp: 977 9860937940

Name : Nepal Arts & Crafts Suppies
Code : BUY20230022
Size : Email US
Weight : Email US
Materials : Metals
Price : Qty base
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