shakyamuni buddha statue for sale, Buddha Statue Shopping, Gautam Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha statue  price, Nepal Buddha Statue Shop
Shakyamuni Buddha Statue, Meditating Buddha Statue, Buddha statues, metal statues, himalaya statues, handmade buddha statues, Buddhist Statues
Shakyamuni Buddha Statue: Buddha Statue and Sculpture Manufacturer and Exporter from Nepal. 
Shakyamuni Buddha Statue, Buddha Sculpture, handmade statue Himalya


Shakyamuni Buddha Statue mostly in practice of meditation among Buddhist Culture. Prince Siddhartha became as Gautam Buddha. Many previous Buddhas and other Buddhas yet to come are known as Buddhas. To Distinguish from all other Buddhas, he has been called Shakyamuni (The lion of Sakya clan). There different Style of Meidtation as well Buddhas Meditation Poses. Those Buddha Meditation Styles are develop into metals as statue or the sculptures. We use Metals like copper, bronze, brass there after  gold plating and even high standard coloring and carving work we do in Nepal . Buddha Statue are made custom traditional stayle and is handmade.

Who is Buddha?
The guy who enlightened and teach world people the way to get rid of human suffering and miseries through meditation practices. He was prince son of King and leave early home to know what makes human suffering. The death, The dieses, The weakness and The Begging Grid he never had seen and experience in the palace till he was 28 years old. The Prince Siddhartha made ambition to leave palace and make achievement what he likes to know. His Teachings and Meditation Practices Styles we called Buddhism today's world.
Gautam Buddha before as prince Siddhartha was born in 563 B.C. at Lumbini, western part of Nepal. He had attained "Bodhi" or knowledge after 6 years in fasting and meditation and then he was called "Buddha" as he was " the Enlighten one"

Buddha Statue
In all types of Buddha Statue presents Buddhist movtives and each statue craft has it's own meaning. Tibetan Buddhist Style statues are for ritual and meditation purposes. Statues are good for Temple, garden and for home decor too. Get wholesale handmade Meditating Buddhas statue crafts in quantity as well single pieces in retail price. For best negotiation and deal done please email us.
Email: | Whatsapp: 977 9860937940

Name : Shakyamuni Buddha Statue
Code : BUS12012
Price : Best Price E-mail Us - Only to Buy
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