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Thangka Paintings Wholesale: Tibetan Green Tara Thangka Painting
Tibetan, Green Tara, Thangka, Painting, Nepal Art Shop, Hand-painted, Art

Tibetan Green Tara Thangka paintings are a type of artwork that are commonly found within Tibetan Buddhist culture. These paintings are often used as a form of meditation, offering a way for the viewer to connect to the spiritual world. The Green Tara Thangka painting is a popular icon within Tibetan Buddhism, as it serves as an image of the Bodhisattva, a being that has reached a high level of spiritual enlightenment and chooses to remain in the cycle of suffering in order to help others who are still suffering. The Green Tara Thangka painting is often made with bright and vivid colors, often with gold and silver accents. The painting usually shows a female figure, usually with her hands held in the gesture of giving. She is usually surrounded by eight smaller figures, representing the eight aspects of the Bodhisattva. The painting is often framed, with a variety of different shapes and sizes, depending on the artist. The Green Tara Thangka painting is meant to be a reminder to the viewer of their inner spiritual journey, and to help them focus on their own spiritual growth and journey. By looking at the painting, one is reminded of their own inner spiritual power and that they have the ability to grow and reach enlightenment. The painting is also a reminder to the viewer of the importance of compassion and love in their own lives.
The Green Tara Thangka painting is meant to be a source of inspiration and motivation, providing the viewer with a sense of peace and strength. It is also a reminder to the viewer of the importance of taking responsibility for their own actions and life choices, and to strive for a higher level of spiritual growth. The Green Tara Thangka painting is not only a beautiful and peaceful form of art, but it is also a reminder of the importance of spiritual growth and the power of compassion and love. Through the painting, viewers are encouraged to take responsibility for their own lives, while also being reminded of the power of spiritual enlightenment and the importance of compassion and love. 

For Tibetan Green Tara Thangka Painting Price-Shipping Cost- deal done please email us.
Email: nepalartshop@gmail.com | Whatsapp: 977 9860937940

Name : Thangka Paintings
Code : TPW2023007
Size : Email US
Weight : Email US
Materials : Thangka Painting Materials
Price : Qty base
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